mardi 2 septembre 2014

Three philosophical questions of gnoseology to Shaykh Umar Ibrahim Vadillo

by Yanick Toutain


"Do you admit that the scientists
 can not “invent” science ?

Do you agree that the only science
 worthy of the name is a group of concepts
 that (...) are intrinsic to the real?

So you admit that ALL science
 must be conceptual structures
 that fit together with each other?


@Shaykh Umar Vadillo (translated from French by Google Translate)
I look for enlightened believers for years. Looking believers convinced that science is “pre-existing” human. Looking believers convinced that humans begin to understand the scientific laws that are inherent in the material.
So these are also believers convinced (as are the true materialist atheists) that “Everything is” writing “, ie the sequence of causes and effects is inevitable and that freedom is exercised in within an absolute predetermination
I seek believers willing to fight with me against impostors “positivist” that took power in 1905, 1919 and 1927 and who lie to generations of students one after the other.
I do not clearly see that view in your text.
Do you admit that the scientists can not “invent” science (as suggested by the relativistic positivists Mach Lorentz, Poincare, Einstein etc …)?
Do you agree that the only science worthy of the name is a group of concepts that describe the operating procedures of reality and therefore are concepts that are intrinsic to the real?
So you admit that ALL science must be conceptual structures that fit together with each other? (So do not be local “models” invented by the human mind and give some clarity to a chaotic succession of impressions or experimental surveys)

Je cherche des croyants éclairés depuis des années. Je cherche des croyants convaincus que la science est “pré-existante” aux humains. Je cherche des croyants convaincus que les humains comprennent peu à peu des lois scientifiques qui sont inhérentes à la matière.
Ce sont donc aussi des croyants convaincus,( comme le sont les vrais matérialistes athées ) que “Tout est “écrit”, c’est à dire que l’enchaînement des causes et des effets est inéluctable et que la liberté s’exerce à l’intérieur d’une prédetermination absolue
Je cherche donc des croyants prêts à lutter avec moi contre les imposteurs “positivistes” qui ont pris le pouvoir en 1905, 1919 et 1927 et qui mentent aux générations d’étudiants les une après les autres.
Je ne vois pas clairement ce point de vue dans votre texte.
Admettez-vous que les scientifiques ne peuvent pas “inventer” la science (comme le pense les positivistes relativistes Mach, Lorentz, Poincaré, Einstein etc…) ?
Admettez-vous que la seule science qui mérite ce nom est un groupe de concepts qui décrivent les modalités de fonctionnement de la réalité et qui sont donc des concepts qui sont intrinsèques au réel ?
Admettez-vous que TOUTES les sciences doivent donc être des structures conceptuelles qui s’emboitent les unes aux autres ? (Et donc ne pas être des “modèles” locaux inventés par l’esprit humain et qui donnent un peu de clarté dans une succession désordonnées d’impressions ou de relevés expérimentaux)


Science Does Not Think

Introduction to Statistics for Muslims

International Islamic University of Islamabad


“Science does not think” 

By Shaykh Umar Ibrahim Vadillo

Bismillah irrahman irraheemIn 1926 when Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) the German philosopher, published his book “Being and Time” he revolutionized thinking with a new radical approach to individual freedom that irreversibly tore down the foundations of philosophy. Eventually he will call this “the end of philosophy”, the end of a 2,500 years old “fashion of thinking” which is the exclusive product of the West and was founded upon the writings of Plato. He consequently declared that “science does not think”. Such statement still puzzles people today. Heidegger’s analysis pointed out that science is incapable of thinking what is more important to thinking: the Truth. We will take a walk alongside the path of Heideggers’ thinking into the nature of scientific enquiry and why it cannot think the Truth. Then we will take a leap –as he suggested- reaching to the other side of philosophy, beyond philosophy, in order to arrive to a concluding statement that has a direct relevance to us: “marifatullah is thinking”.
Science cannot think the Truth. In their form of enquiring the Truth withdraws. Science reduces nature to calculable data. That calculable data that statistics produces is not nature. Man is also a victim of this approach through the human sciences. This fashion of thinking is defective and deceiving. Thinking must be able to think the Truth or is not thinking at all. Thinking the Truth (the Haqq), is for us knowledge of Allah. Allah cannot be reduced into a theory of correspondence (which is theology) because He has no comparison. Allah can only be understood by His own descriptions and by the heart of the muminun. Training the heart to know Allah is the process of unveiling, the process is the removal of veils. This is at the heart of Islam. Science is useful if its limitations are understood, if not science becomes scientism which is a danger to nature and mankind.
And Allah knows best and Victory belongs to Him.

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