In 1908, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin wrote ten questions to the lecturer i . He addressed himself to Bogdanov who was his political ally but was beginning to develop differences on the philosophical ground.
João Bernardo, I have just discovered your existence and your theses ii . It seems that we have many points of agreement but also points of disagreement.
As we are both old and do not necessarily have much time in front of us to dialogue for years, as the revolution is urgent not only to save lives in the third world but also to save the planet and therefore to save all of humanity, I will try to speed up the dialogue. Not on the philosophical ground nor even on that of the theoretical analysis (social classes etc) but directly on the programmatic ground iii: What to do ?
It goes without saying that these 10 programmatic proposals (in particular the institutional proposals) are intended to be that of the port wing of the pale blue “Grand Alliance”. 4% of the most revolutionary humans before convincing a large majority of them. I used the indicative in my French text – instead of the present subjunctive – because it is possible that you can answer “yes” to many of my questions. As for disagreements, if they are debated publicly, they will be educational for new generations.
So I 'm going to ask you "10 questions to the speaker João Bernardo "
1° Do you accept the idea that the average world GDP is the consumption ceiling that anyone should never exceed, otherwise this individual will slip into one of the despoiling classes iv – whatever name is given to him? gives [ bourgeoisie, f ormoisie, innovoisie, cachetoisie, égérieoisie, gangsteroisie, and c] ?
2° Do you accept that each human being has an equal right to consume and therefore do you accept the implementation of a global “ equalist wage”: 10,000 revos per month for all T 10,000 vi ? The monopoly of foreign trade ensuring the fiat character of this currency vii
It goes without saying that this equalist measure abolishes capitalism or any other kind of society based on spoliation or exploitation.
3° Each human being having an equal right to invest in all sectors of society – a right to participate in “altruistic investment” – do you accept the principle of an allowance of 3,000 révos viii per month that the Dia- Revolutionary State DER will entrust to each human so that he invests freely for the projects of his choice? (without receiving any money or personal benefit in return)
This investment will be for a private company, for a state structure, for any association whether economic, social, etc. Every citizenwill be free to invest but not for his projects, not for the projects of his family or his friends, not for a project from which he could draw personal benefits directly or indirectly. And therefore without abuse of social assets. Learning to invest will begin at age 7 with 10 revos per day.
4° Do you accept that each human has an equal right to pollute and both you : polluter pays inducing polluted paid?
This implies that all systems of carbon tax or authorization to store waste – whether nuclear or otherwise – respect this equal right ( a right to authorize the pollution of a certain quantity or therefore to prohibit pollution this quantity)
In concrete terms, each human has an equal right to deposit in the oceans 1.8 kg of carbon per day, 2.4 tonnes of CO2 per year.
Each human will therefore receive C arbon R ation TRC T ickets of this quantity. He/ she can sell his/ her daily ticket for 18 revos. Let 1 0 révos ix the kilo of carbon 10,000 révos x the ton at the beginning or for the amount of his choice xi .
We note here that, for a very large number of Africans, this sale will double their daily income xii .
As a result, any private state, parastatal company that wants to extract coal, oil, gas, etc. from the ground . containing carbon will be forced, prior to extraction, to buy carbon ration tickets on the market at the price set by the citizens of the world agreeing to sell their tickets . Each extractor-polluter buying a ticket from a citizen (authorizing the marketing of a certain quantity of carbon and therefore ultimately emitting it) instantly buys a right to extract this same quantity – at the same price – by paying the amount to the FMA F ond s M Global Insurance .
The FMA has no emission rights except for sales of CRTs by citizens.
The FMA is under the direction of ecolonomy delegates.
5° Do you agree to definitively abolish bourgeois democracy – the present political system – and to replace by revocable delegates all elected officials, all rulers, all representatives , in accordance with the practices of all revolutionary peoples? the past ?
The main innovation consists of replacing the election of a single representative per zone in democracy by a humanocracy with the designation of 5 representatives for each zone – from the communes to the continents for the world government. It is therefore 20% of the participants who have their delegate at the higher level, each time. No minority is deprived of a representative.
The inhabitants of each commune, district, village will group together in fives so that four of them designate their DIB delegate – Basic Intermediate Delegate.
This #4for1 system is the same for all levels of responsibility up to world government.
And so each delegate is appointed by a mini-council of 5 basic citizens or 5 delegates. This delegate therefore obtains "accreditation" from 4 people who are his basic delegates or his delegates (4 delegates who promote him to the next level)
In summary, rather than participating in elections, 80% of adults and 80% of young people aged 7 to 17 will group together in fours to designate a fifth participant who will be their DIB, their revocable delegate. The remaining 20% being the delegates.
It is so that their will is respected that the four basic delegators can at any time leave their basic mini-council to (possibly) join another one and appoint another DIB that suits them.
The participants of each mini-council share 5 missions: Health, Safety, Eco lo nomics, Justice and Pedagogy. The delegate who is chosen therefore structurally has 4 statutory deputies.They are the ones who give it accreditation.
The right to appoint a delegate begins at the age of reason: 7 years. Those under 18 will have their own pyramid of delegates with, at the top, students in political science and national schools of administration. Among the latter, the ministers representing young people xiii .
6° Do you accept that these revocable delegates be appointed according to a quota – a fixed number of delegates, the same worldwide for each level of responsibility?
In particular, do you accept the practice instituted in October 1905 in Petrograd xiv : each delegate to the Soviet being simply a representative designated by 500 delegates xv ?
Do you accept the quotas of the Taiping revolution of 1851: 1 for 5.1 for 25 (quota of the CNT anarchists and POUM Marxists of the Spanish revolution of 1936), 1 for 125, 1 for 625, etc. ?
A delegate's four delegators (his 4 immediate delegators) can leave the mini-council at any time. The delegate is revoked if he does not immediately find a replacement.
Each delegate will therefore have a waiting list of delegates to fill in the gaps.
There will therefore be
1 DIB Basic Intermediate Delegate for 5 delegates
1 DB Basic Delegate for 25 delegates
1 DIC Intermediate Delegate Advisor for 125 delegates
1 CD Delegate Advisor for 625 delegates
1 DID Intermediate Delegate Deputy for 3125 delegates
1 DD Delegate Deputy for 16,000 delegates
1 DIN National Intermediate Delegate for 80,000 delegates
1 DN National Delegate for 400,000 delegates
1 D2I International Intermediate Delegate for 2 million delegates
1 DI International Delegate for 10 million delegates
1 DIM World Intermediate Delegate for 50 million delegates 1 DM World
Delegate for 250 million delegates
members of COMEX, World Executive Committee
7 ° Do you accept the recommendation of the Paris Commune to transform all civil servants into revocable delegates? This includes police, military, magistrates, caregivers, teachers, territorial officials.
Do you therefore accept the total merger between the members of the representative institutions and the public service?
Do you therefore accept that on Earth, for each zone of 50 million adults, 40 million of them give accreditation to 10 million revocable delegates divided into 8 million civil servants and 2 million paid students xvi .
8° Do you accept the end of ballot papers for the designation of representatives and therefore the end of the anonymity and irresponsibility of delegates in relation to the acts of their delegate?
The process therefore begins with four citizens publicly designating their DIB. Basic Intermediate Delegate. In 80% of cases, the accredited DIB will become a revolutionary civil servant. In 20% of cases it will be a student.
Each mini-council of 5 is therefore made up of a DIB delegate (Basic Intermediate Delegate) and his 4 basic delegates called "correspondents". xvii ”.
Do you therefore accept that each delegate is obliged to publish the list of those on behalf of whom he speaks on his official page?
Do you therefore accept that all the delegates of a manager – delegate – be considered as jointly liable xviii for criminal acts committed by him in the exercise of his status or his functions.
9° Do you accept that this humanocracy xix – pyramidal structure – is organized with 4 types of structures:
From bottom to top
a)Appointment councils
From high to low.
b) functional cabinets
d) area committees?
9a) Appointment councils of 25 people sharing the same objectives, in agreement temporarily or in the long term on the same political program.
Each council includes 1 basic delegate, his 4 statutory assistants and their 20 delegates.
Basically, we therefore have 20 citizens accrediting the 4 DIBs and the basic delegate.
Then a similar structure at each level.
For example, for 50M delegates, a National Coordinator, his 4 statutory deputies (who are 4 national commissioners usually "National Intermediate Delegates" and 20 national deputy commissioners (usually Deputy Delegates).
In this structure the command base. Each member can leave his board 24 hours a day.
9b) Functional cabinets of 25 where the top commands the bottom. The hierarchy of the Revolutionary Public Service.
Each principal delegate will have 4 functional assistants who – to ensure neutrality – will be structural political adversaries. Then the 5 (1+4) will have (each four) 20 lower level functional assistants according to this same principle of structural neutrality.
9c) DIRFUNCTIONAL DIRections led by 25 “DIRFUNCT coordinators. »
Each DIRFONCT grouping together 25 functional offices. The basic DIRFUNCT (the first level of the civil service) brings together 25 coordinators each leading a section of 25 delegates. And therefore 625 delegates having been accredited by 2500 base delegates.
9d) Zone committees formed, 20% of which are members of the COMEX executive committee of the zone. Each COMEX is made up of 25 delegate-coordinators. Each heads one of the 25 ministerial departments – the same at all levels, from the municipal COMEX to the global COMEX. Each functional firm assumes one of the 25 mission specialties. The 25 ministerial departments whose list xx is in addition.
Each coordinator has 24 functional assistants including 4 commissioners (members of the total zone committee 100+25) and 20 deputy commissioners (members of the Grand Zone Committee having 500+100+25 members).
These committees are necessarily structured in 5 GAP Grand Political Alliances allowing neutrality of this revolutionary public service (extreme left (extreme port) pale blue, left (port) pale green, center pale pink, right (starboard) pale gray, extreme right ( extreme starboard) pale yellow).
In the zone executive committees, the 25 coordinators will designate 5 zone executive secretaries responsible for preparing the agenda. The executive secretaries have no power other than that of proposing this agenda, which will ultimately be voted on by the 25 coordinators at the start of each meeting.
Whatever the political opinions of the inhabitants of an area, they must be distributed in this way. Indeed the structural modalities of humanocracy imply that each delegate has 4 subordinates – 4 functional assistants – who will imperatively be members of the four other Grand Political Alliances different from his own.
While this official will have around him a statutory mini-cabinet and a statutory council of 25 who will be those on whose behalf he speaks and acts, he will have a functioning mini-cabinet exclusively made up of political opponents who will execute.
. In this organization, statutory means the base commands the top, the hierarchy is bottom-up, and functional means the top commands the bottom, and the hierarchy is top-down.
10° Do you accept the fact that the eradication of COVID on a global level would have been possible before the summer of 2020 using these humanocratic institutions and massive screening. ?
Do you agree that the global implementation of the recommendations I published on my blog on January 25 – self-organization + massive screening (especially in airports and ports) – would have stopped all the spread?
Do you accept that the screening methods - used by New Zealand for 15 months - coupled with the action of revocable delegates - revolutionary self-organization from Marxist and anarchist traditions - would have been the necessary and sufficient means of limiting the number deaths to less than 50,000 deaths xxi worldwide instead of 7 million! 140 times fewer deaths by simply imitating New Zealand and its politics from March 2020 to August 2021.
In each zone of 3,000 adults, the population would have been seen to accredit 125 health delegates who would have implemented the massive and structured screening of 100 potential contact cases around each infected person. It would have been simple and easy to test contact cases by reconstructing the journey made in the previous 5 days by people who tested positive (even including their visit to a laundromat or a bakery)
As a result of the above, would you have accepted on January 25, 2020 to co-sign my appeal, in particular this extract?
The response of humanocratic revolutionaries to this new epidemic generated by obscurantist capitalism in decline is obviously primarily humanocratic.
On the whole planet, but particularly in the affected areas, one in five people must be designated – by the other four unanimously – as their health correspondent.
(for 125 people, there will therefore be 25 health delegates)
Each health correspondent will send the other four people the WHO information given below (FAQs, frequently asked questions on new coronaviruses) to ensure that 100% of the population is informed. This being the flow of information from the top to the bottom of the pyramid.
From bottom to top, each health correspondent will transmit to his health delegate the relevant information concerning the state of health of his 4 co-delegators (4 CODEG).
Thus, no relevant information on possible new contamination (or more generally pathological medical conditions) can escape the vigilance of health delegates.
In countries with infant mortality and/or victims of other epidemics or pandemics, for example in Africa, the various health problems will be known through the same means: for example problems of defecation in the open air, various health problems.
One in 25 people will be designated DIB Santé.
To do this, in each group of 4 DIBs, one of the 4 DIBs must be designated as the basic health delegate (DIB Health)
The DIB health delegates are chosen primarily (but not exclusively) from people holding a qualification (official or unofficial) in the field of health. For example, nurses, caregivers, etc.
The mission of the DIB Santé delegates will be the same as that of the correspondents, adding the practice of care.
One person out of 125 will be designated as DB Health, basic health delegate. It will have accreditation of 125 people then validation by 2 delegates of higher rank and above.
These health delegates will, most of the time, be doctors or equivalent (pharmacists, etc.)
i I asked similar gnoseological questions – updated in the 21st century – to Georges Gastaud, a French philosopher claiming to be Marxist. Who never answered me.
ii Thanks to the translations spread by Yves F Coleman on Academia – a site that posts them to me daily and in several copies
iii For the programmatic part, the author had as objective to improve the institutions of many revolutions. In particular Taiping Revolution 1851, Paris Commune 1871, Russian Revolution 1905, Russian Revolution 1917, Spanish Revolution 1936, Cuban Revolution, Burkinabè Revolution 1983, etc. The institutions of the Duke of Zhou 3,000 years ago – which inspired the Taiping Revolution – have also been studied for their use of the 1:5 quota.
iv Despoiler, plunder; these words refer to all the contra-galist mechanisms depriving humans of an equal share of consumption.
v 10,000 révos worth in 2023 as much as 1000 € , 1000 $, 5000R$ 656 000 FCFA in new fiat equalist currency
vi With a half share below 14 years partially paid directly to young people.
vii Currency at the rate forced by the world proto-COMEX, a currency used on the whole of the world territory released
viii 3,000 révos worth in 2023 as much as €3,00 , $ 3,00, R $ 1,500 200,000 FCFA in new fiat equalist currency
ix 1 0 révos worth in 2023 as much as 1 € , 1 $, 5R$ 656 FCFA
x 10,000 révos worth in 2023 as much as €1,000, $1,000, 5000R$ 656,000 FCFA in new fiat equalist currency
xi Cheaper or more expensive or even extremely more expensive as he wishes.
xii Monthly income in Niger €47; Mali €67; Burkina Faso €52
xiii It should be noted here that the 12% of adult pedagogy delegates – teachers – will have no coercive power over young people. Except with regard to the "class rules" for the young people present who freely chose to be there according to the principle "I learn what I want, how I want, when I want, where I want, with whom I want ". A principle that will be applied at the same time as the dissemination of mutual aid between children as the main teaching method.
xiv By a strategic error, on March 12, 1917, the appeal made in the afternoon advised the workers of Petrograd to send one delegate for every 1,000. A double quota less close to the base.
xv The 1 for 500 quota becomes a 1 for 625 quota by integrating the 100 civil servants (of the Revolutionary Public Service ) and the 25 students whom the people designate as revocable delegates. as described below
xvi The latter are paid in exchange for 2 x 3 hours per week as functional assistant to the 1.2 million teachers accredited as pedagogical delegates – revocable delegates for this zone) .
xvii The 4 correspondents and the delegate share 5 missions: health, safety, ecology, justice and education.
xviii The objective is that the slightest suspicion by the delegates concerning the probity of their delegate will induce them to leave his list.
xix The institutional concept of humanocracy, power of humans, must imperatively be consistent with the content of questions 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
xx The 25 mission specialties
1 Infrastructure Transport Mines Energy
2 Health prevention
3 Justice Propagation of laws
4 active police and gendarmes
5 Literacy and languages
6 active military
7 Philosophy Mathematical gnoseology
8 Industries IT Telematics
9 Daily therapies Disabilities EHPAD
10 Digitization of knowledge Educational video games
11 Medicine Diagnostics and heavy care
12 Justice Scientific research and post-jurisprudence
13 Firefighters and first aiders Civil security
14 Dialectical philosophy Physics Biology
15 Handicraft Agriculture Breeding Fishing
16 Dialectic Philosophy Humanities
17 Finance and Trade
18 Surgery
19 Technology innovations dissemination training
20 reserve soldiers
21 Creation and management of companies
22 Policemen Gendarmes de reserve Organization of humanocracy
23 Art, Physical and recreational culture
24 Housing Accommodation Food Catering
25 Health Logistics, Pharmacy etc
xxi New Zealand 28 deaths in 2020 with the use of mass screening (late) without popular self-organization.
The humanocratic institutions in New Zealand from January 25, 2020 establishing 125 health delegates for 4000 adults could have prevented all deaths.
If we extrapolate the population of this country (1/1600 humans) to the world level, 28 dead become 44,800 dead
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